إيجاز للاستشارات والتدريب

Ejaz Consultancy and Training

حول إيجاز للاستشارات والتدريب

عندما يحدث معنا شيء غير مرغوب نُجْبَر على إيجاد طرق للتعامل معه، سوى كان تشخيص مرضي، معاناة نفسية، ضغوطات ومشاكل حياتية، كالصعوبات في العلاقات بجميع أنواعها الاجتماعية، الأسرية، الزوجية أو المهنية كما تواجهنا تحديات ناتجة عن أنماط مترسخة. غالبا يمكننا التغلب والتوجه نحو التغيير المنشود من خلال تفعيل حديث بناء وحوار داعم بطريقة بسيطة، عملية ووجيزة. في إيجاز للاستشارات والتدريب نعمل من هذا المنظور: التركيز تجاه الحلول هي طريقة تعامل تطرح الاحتمالات وتمكن الخروج من وضع صعب الى الأفضل المنشود.

نقدم المشورة للتعامل مع تحديات حياتية، نتعامل بطريقة فعالة مع تساؤلات مثل: "باهي كيف الحل؟" "باهي توا كيف بندير؟" "اموري خاشة بعضها ومعادش قادر-ة انفكر"، "صايرلي ستك" "انحس في نفسي متكتف ومش عارف كيف حنواصل"، "مافيش حد فاهمني"، "علاش حني هكي؟" ... نعتبرها كلها نقاط بداية.

لا تترتتدوا في الإتصال على info@ejaz.ly باستفساراتكم أو لترتيب موعد.

يسرني تواصلكم معنا،

ملاك بن جابر - ماجستير علم النفس السريري
وعاملة بمنهجية التركيز تجاه الحلول

About Ejaz Consultancy and Training

When faced with challenges we often find ourselves looking for ways to manage and to cope the best we can. These difficulties can show up in many aspects of our lives, personal, professional, and social relationships. Fortunately, we are often able to overcome and to move towards the desired change. At times, engrained patterns may make it more difficult to move towards the desired change. At Ejaz, we work with constructive conversations that are practical, simple and brief. Using the Solution Focused Approach, we engage with our clients in ways that allow for a process where possibilities emerge that allow the movement towards the desired change.

We work on life stressors, challenges that leave us wondering: “So, what’s the solution?”, “What shall I do?”, “My life is a mess, and I can’t think straight”, “I feel stuck, and don’t know how to continue”, “Nobody understands me”, “Why are we like this?”… When we get to work, these are all considered starting points.

Feel free to contact me on info@ejaz.ly with queries or to arrange an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you,

Malak ben Giaber - MSc Clinical Psychology
Solution Focused Practitioner


Types of meetings

Conversations that enable a process of change

  • Individual sessions
  • Family sessions
  • Group work
  • Workshops
  • Training

Burn-out, school pressure, parenting difficulties, diagnoses of illnesses or disorders, relationship issues, loss and grief may require the support of a skilled practitioner who provides the tools that enhance coping and build resilience.

Working with Individuals

Solution Focused, collaborative work that allows for change to happen

At times we may feel overwhelmed by life stressors and difficulties, and we may lose sight of our strengths and feel “stuck”.

A trained and skilled practitioner will work with you to start a process that moves you forward. Hope accompanies conversations that generate possibilities, in new unexpected and creative ways.

Our work together strives to bring out your strengths and build on your abilities.

Working with Families and Groups

Together we find creative ways for relating to and making sense of our experiences

We are continually exposed to complex events, that can range from personal relationships to our experiences with others, as well as events that can have a strong impact on us. During times like these, working with a skilled practitioner may be an effective and empowering exercise for achieving desired change. Everyone gets heard, everything makes sense, constructive conversations are the cornerstone of our work together.

Corporate Programs

Employee Assistance Programs

Psychosocial awareness at the workplace enhances employees' work-life balance and places mental well-being at the forefront of a socially responsible value system.

The program covers various aspects of enhancing employee workplace experience while it supports HR and management in promoting a balanced and thriving workplace environment.

Counseling and Coaching for work-related stress are introduced as part of a proactive and supportive program offered by employers to every member of the workforce.


Introducing topics relevant to emotional wellbeing

Content designed to address different needs in schools, businesses, and healthcare facilities amongst other workplace settings.

Competence building content, discussions and exercises that promote communication skills to enhance the process of conflict resolution and resilience.

Together we will work through challenges and difficulties by adopting a solution focused attitude toward desired change.


Modules for developing required skills in topics related to psychosocial wellbeing for helpers in a multitude of care professions

Mental health, psychosocial support and emotional wellbeing are crucial in sustaining healthy environments that promote values of acceptance and tolerance.

Content is designed for specific settings where relationships, interactional patterns and communication are relevant.

Training involves experiential learning that is collaborative, empathy-literate and solution focused while promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity.


Individualized, targeted solution focused practice for educational institutions, businesses, HR, management, and various workplace teams

Building on strengths that enhance workplace well-being and promote a better working environment.

Conducting needs assessments, effective interventions and preventative measures that apply a solution focused approach leading to overall satisfaction, increased motivation, and enhanced productivity.